What is Spot Treatment?
The density of the melanin pigment in our skin determines the color of our skin. Conditions such as sun exposure, drugs, pregnancy cause a regional increase in the melanin density and staining in our skinAfter a detailed dermatological examination, superficial or deep localization of the spot is determined, it is possible to get rid of spots with specific treatment protocols.
Many treatment methods such as chemical peeling, enzymatic peeling (Cosmelan – Dermamelan), laser therapy or mesotherapy can be used in the treatment of stains.
Chemical peeling
Using agents such as glycolic acid and trichloroacetic acid (TCA) in varying concentrations according to the skin type of the person, the intensity of the stain and the desired skin brightness; superficial, medium and deep peeling is done. An average of 4 sessions are performed at intervals of 3-4 weeks. With this method, which is performed during winter, fine wrinkles are treated as well as the stain.
Enzymatic peeling
With the Cosmelan-dermamelan system, the melanin pigment density in the skin is reduced enzymatically and the formation of new melanin pigment is prevented. Cosmelan is used in the treatment of superficial spots and dermamelan is used in the treatment of deep-seated spots. The mask applied to the face by the specialist under clinical conditions remains on the face for 8-10 hours. At the end of this period, the person removes the mask himself at home and continues the treatment with a personalized follow up kit. It is followed up by checking in for control periodically every 1.5-2 months.
Laser therapy
Laser systems used in pigmentation/spot treatment are determined according to the location of the lesion and the pigment type. The location of these lesions, which are the melanin pigment in the target melanosomes, is important in determining the wavelength of the laser to be used. Pigment-specific Q-switched laser systems are most commonly preferred for stain treatment, they are effective in deeply located stains. CO2 lasers can be used in epidermally located, that is, superficial spots. Since the target in these lasers is water, it creates controlled damage and peeling in the top layer of the skin.
Fractional Radiofrequency (Golden Needle)
What is Golden Needle Therapy?
The aging process, genetic factors, environmental factors and nutritional habits cause structural changes in our skin. Decrease in the amount of collagen – elastin fiber and hyaluronic acid in our skin over time; causes fine wrinkles, grooves, sagging and a lifeless appearance. There are many treatment options to eliminate these changes. One of them is the gold needle treatment, which operates by sending high-energy radio frequency under the skin.
How does Golden Needle Therapy work?
The golden needle triggers collagen synthesis under the skin without damaging the skin surface by giving controlled fractional radio frequency energy to the lower layers of the skin in the targeted area. With gold needles, radio frequency energy is given not only to the target tissue, but also to all skin layers through which the needle passes. As it approaches the skin surface, the energy is reduced in a controlled manner, minimizing the damage on the skin surface. This way, it is applicable during summer.
What is Golden Needle Therapy used for?
- Getting rid of fine wrinkles on the skin
- Treatment of inflammatory acne and acne scarring
- Pore tightening
- Skin rejuvenation
- Correction of sagging and loss of elasticity in the jowl-neck and cleavage areas
- Treatment of stretch marks after pregnancy or as a result of weight gain and loss
- Treatment of spots
The area to be treated is cleaned and anesthetic cream is applied. The head with gold needles at the tip is contacted with the skin, micro-holes are opened and a full layer of radio frequency energy is given to the targeted depth. With fractional radio frequency, collagen synthesis under the skin is triggered without damaging the skin surface. various mixtures or Skin Rejuvenation Therapy can be applied to increase the effectiveness after the procedure. There may be redness that can last for 1-2 days after the application. After the procedure, return to daily life is immediate. No crusting or flaking is caused by the process. It can be applied during every season and to any age.